Andrea Pickett for City Council

Portsmouth, NH, is my home. It’s the place I moved to soon after leaving the house I grew up in and where I chose to rebuild my life when it needed a clean sweep seven years ago. I am drawn to Portsmouth by more than its proximity to beaches and ample shopping and dining options. I was, and still am, drawn here because of the people.

I have watched Portsmouth grow at the hands of wonderful community members who love it like I do. I have witnessed events like the unveiling of the Black Heritage Trail, the Prescott Park Arts Festival, our beautiful state-of-the-art library coming to be, and the Connie Bean Center changing location, but not changing its legacy or path forward. These community assets are sources of pride for our City.

In the spirit of this growth, knowing that change is possible here, I have joined in community-building efforts whenever possible. Which is why I have been contemplating a run for City Council for some time now. When I was contacted twice by respected community members, who also thought I could serve the City well, that was the impetus I needed to throw my name in the proverbial “hat”.

Why do I want to run?

I believe in civic service.

I have co-founded a community garden at the Portsmouth Housing Authority, started a bike drive for our family property residents, helped plan a preschool, and started anti-hate campaigns in our City (you may have seen the stickers – Hate is UnWelcome Here).

I am in support of community-minded progress.

Watch my TEDx Talk


  • TEDx Portsmouth Speaker – Topic: Voices of Experience in Policy Creation
  • Founder of United Against Hate on the Seacoast
  • Creator – “Hate is Unwelcome Here” Sticker Campaign
  • Co-Founder – Gosling Community Garden
  • Board Member – Center for Academic Planning & Success (Great Bay Community College)
  • Grant Writing Committee (Seacoast Community School)
  • Co-Facilitator – Bridges Out of Poverty Curriculum
  • Advisory Board – Making Community & Classroom Connections (MC3 – New Franklin School)
  • Project Success Consultant/Mentor for First-Gen. College Students (Great Bay Community College)
  • Program facilitator and resident service coordinator at the Portsmouth Housing Authority
  • Education: Bachelor of arts – psychology, sociology and public policy

What is the biggest problem Portsmouth is facing, and how would you solve it?

The all-encompassing problem that every community, including Portsmouth, faces is sustainability. What that means to me is looking at how our systems work now and asking if they will sustain future generations. Incorporating sustainability into City government is a whole-systems approach. It’s impossible to think about workforce housing without also thinking about industry needs, transportation, neighborhood relations, and how environmental factors will impact decisions. In the role of City Councilor, I plan to weigh decisions by gathering as much information from as many informed sources as possible and considering their impact on the City as a whole.

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